In this post, George Peretz Q.C. of Monckton Chambers examines the EU Commission’s “Notice to Stakeholders” dated 18 January 2021 regarding State aid.
Continue reading “EU Commission issues “Notice to Stakeholders” on Brexit and State aid”Cambridge webinar on the TCA and EU Future Relationship Act
A recording is now available of the University of Cambridge’s webinar on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the TCA) and its domestic implementation via the EU (Future Relationship) Act 2020. The event was organised by members of Cambridge’s Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS), Centre for Public Law (CPL) and the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL). The presenters also included Monckton Chamber’s Jack Williams. A link to the webinar on youtube and a guide to presenters, topics and timings can be found below.
Continue reading “Cambridge webinar on the TCA and EU Future Relationship Act”Relevant Relationship Agreement Law: a guide for the perplexed
In this post, Jack Williams of Monckton Chambers explains how the Trade and Cooperation Agreement is implemented into domestic law via the EU (Future Relationship) Act 2020, enacted on 30 December 2020.
Continue reading “Relevant Relationship Agreement Law: a guide for the perplexed”Jurisdiction and service out from 1 January 2021: (mostly) back to the usual common law rules
Now that the dust has settled, Kristina Lukacova of Monckton Chambers summarises the position in relation to jurisdiction and service out, including in relation to consumer/employment contracts within the scope of the new sections 15A-E of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.
Continue reading “Jurisdiction and service out from 1 January 2021: (mostly) back to the usual common law rules”The UK’s new subsidy regime: a marsh of uncertainty
In this post, George Peretz Q.C. of Monckton Chambers assesses the UK’s new subsidy control regime as it currently applies. In particular, he looks at the newly-published UK Government Guidance and the effect of section 29 of the EU (Future Relationship) Act 2020 as it applies to subsidy control.
Continue reading “The UK’s new subsidy regime: a marsh of uncertainty”