Legal and privacy


This blog is edited by Jack Williams, who is a barrister in independent practice specialising in, inter alia, EU Relations Law. Jack is regulated by the Bar Standards Board. The blog is provided free of charge and for general interest only and is not intended to be a source of legal advice. Blog posts are the personal views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, the Chambers from which he practises (Monckton Chambers in London) or any other person. By using this website, you agree that neither the blog post authors, nor the editor, nor any other person, shall incur any liability arising from your use of this blog site, and shall in particular not be liable for any loss whatsoever arising from any inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information available through this blog site. All and any such liability is excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is specific to this blog site and explains how the persons who maintain it may use personal data within this blog site or in connection with use of this blog site. This privacy notice does not apply to how data collected by other lawful means may be used by Jack in connection with their other professional activities. A separate privacy notice explaining how Jack and other members of Monckton Chambers use personal data in their practices is available at

The data controller is Jack Williams, who is a sole trader and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Their processing of personal data for professional purposes is regulated by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).

The following terms defined by the GDPR and DPA are used in this privacy notice-: (1) “personal data” means information relating to an identified or identifiable person; and (2) “data controller” means the person(s) who determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. These terms are defined in more detail in the GDPR and DPA.

In designing and operating this blog site, the data controllers have sought to limit the personal data they collect or use to the minimum that is reasonably necessary. There are essentially two ways in which personal data is processed.

First, blog posts appearing on this site may include personal data, such as the name of the author of the blog post, and names of people who are involved in the events discussed in the blog posts. Such data is intrinsically unlikely to be confidential in nature and, in the case of named individuals who are involved in the events discussed in the blog posts, the same or similar data about them is likely to be readily available in the public domain from multiple other sources. The processing of personal data by including it in the blog posts is likely to be for journalistic purposes and anyway for legitimate interests relating to the editors’ provision of this blog site for promoting general information and debate about an important developing area of law and policy.

Second, names and email addresses are held for subscribers to the blog site. This is necessary in order to send out updates regarding new blog postings or about the blog generally. The contact database is held on a third party electronic mailing platform called Mailchimp, which is used for sending out emails to the subscribers. Processing of data about subscribers is lawful on the basis of their consent and/or the editors’ legitimate interests. New subscribers receive an email asking them to confirm their email address, thereby also confirming that they wish to subscribe. A subscriber may unsubscribe at any time using the link within the update emails or by writing to the data controllers (details further below).

Subscriber lists are not used for sending out emails apart from blog post updates and other emails relating to this blog site. The subscriber list is not used as a mailing list for general marketing purposes.

Please see further below in relation to the use of cookies, Google Analytics and third party platforms in connection with the operation of this blog site and the associated mailing list.

Where appropriate, personal data may also be processed to the extent that the data controllers are required to do so by law, or in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings (including making or defending legal claims).

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint to the Information Commissioner about the processing of your data. The Commissioner’s contact details are:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 1113   Website:

Contacting the data controller

Jack Williams can be contacted at his professional address:  Monckton Chambers, 1 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London WC1R 5NR.

Cookies, Google Analytics and third party platforms

Cookies are used as part of the basic functioning of this site, and to track web traffic data using Google Analytics.  Use of cookies in this way does not give the data controllers access to personal information about you, except for any information that you may submit when subscribing for services or sending us a message.

If you prefer not to allow us to store a cookie on your machine you may do so by changing your browser settings. Information is provided below to help you do that. Please note that the site may not work if you do not allow cookies. To find out more about how to change your browser settings, choose your browser from the list below:

This blog site is provided using third party services and platforms. It is built using the WordPress platform; subscriber data is (as explained above) collected, held and used by or through a platform called Mailchimp; and Google Analytics keeps data about how the site is being accessed. These are very common platforms/services used by large numbers of blog sites in the UK and EU. If you require information about the operation of such platforms/services and how they process personal data, please consult the websites of the operators of those platforms/services.